Recipe for success: Warren Buffett

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Image of Warren Buffett from Wikipedia,

Born: August 30, 1930, in Omaha, Nebraska

Personal Success Definition

I define a successful person as someone who have a long life with wealth, have great health physically and mentally, do what they love, help more than 10 people with their life, and if possible impact humanity in someway.

Warren Buffett is a billionare, marry twice with 3 children, curently 90 year old (human average lifespan is 79 years), Had pledged to give 99% of his money to philanthropic causes.(primarily thourgh Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)

Skills for Success

Describe what skills did they need to master to become successful?

List and describe at least 3

Warren Buffett is a 1) investor, 2) smart businessman, and 3) avid bridge player.  Warren was interested in business and investing from an early age and learned to earn money from a young age. He was also very smart, “entering the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1947 before transferring to and graduating from the University of Nebraska at 19. He went on to graduate from Columbia Business School, where he molded his investment philosophy around the concept of value investing pioneered by Benjamin Graham. . . ” – Wikipedia. In his youth he find many way to earn money. He have many jobs before becoming the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. He was also an avid  bridge player

How They Used These Skills

He is a smart man who see many oppertunity to earn money. His first way of earning is to sell chewing gum, coke, and magezine door to door. In highschool he sell golf ball, stamps, and deliver newspaper. He and his friend once brought a pinball machine with 25$ and place it in a barber shop, in months they have severals machine in 3 different barber shop across Omaha. They later sold it in the year for 1200$.

Challenges Overcome

Before successful and become a billionare, he have to work multiple job, try multiple way, before he meet and work for Howard Graham, after Graham retire he open a partnership and with his ability he become success.

Significant Work

Image from on 9-28-2020

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helps people in the United States and around the world.


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