Game Design – Week 7 – Tools, Time, and Rooms

CreativeCommons image Tool Stash by Meena Kadri at


  • Write your weekly summary here, last, at the end of the week…
    • Only one to two sentences


  • I chose Unreal as the game engine that i will use because it is one of the easiest I could get.
  • This play list is about what in in the engine and how to operate them.


Game Genres from the Simplest and Most Difficult to Create

  1. Racing Game
  2. Top-Down Shooter
  3. 2d Platformer
  4. Color Matching Puzzle Game
  5. 2D Puzzle Platformer
  6. 3D Platformer
  7. FPS
  8. JRPG
  9. Fighting Game
  10. Action Adventure
  11. Western RPG
  12. RTS



  • Set a timer
  • Spend up to 15 minutes outside, if you can safely
  • Go for a walk. Think about your life as a narrative for today.  A story of today. Me as the protagonist. another me inside me which love to read novel and procrastinate is your nemesis. I am trying to do at less some work for anything and not lay around read novels the whole day.


  • Before you read into my ideas please note that i understand that some of my ideas are for big companies with team of game developer to make but that’s just the big idea it’s not the core idea. The minimal vial product will be placed in a box and type in bold at the end of the Ideas
  • #1 Ideas- Western RPG
  • Western RPG but your abilities is about reading books. When you meet a enemy that you have to fight you will open your one and only weapon, a books that have stories from all dimension and realms ( which we will have to find stories that is not copyright or we will have to write our own stories.) and read a stories in there. after finish reading you will have to answer a few question about that book the higher you score the more damage you deal to that enemy, after you win you will be able to collect more stories. ( Though the GAME story itself will have to be a lot more interesting than normal or the game would be very boring.) [Western RPG but with different ways to attack other than just brute through, (that’s what most game are like until we develop something like SAO technologies) It can be with the stories idea of mine, or it can be with music, or doing math (which prodigy math game took that)]
  • #2 Ideas- FPS
  • Basically Player unknow battle ground but instead of guns you use spells to fight. [ most games using guns to fight i think we use cold weapons or magic ( but again until we have something like SAO, cold weapons would be boring)]
  • #3 Ideas- combination of racing game and 2d puzzle platformer or Color Matching Puzzle Game
  • Much like the nitro type but instead of typing you solve puzzles to gain speed and move forward. [combine different game genres to create a game mechanics that based upon each other ( Ex: it can be a fighting game of which you have to solve puzzles or answer question to punch your opponent)]
  • #4 Ideas- a Combination of a lot genres but most of them will be used as minigames while the game itself will be a little like JRPG
  • A game where you go to a festival with your loved one( can be your crush or girlfriend or wife), and at that festival you will play minigames, the more you score the more of an emotion bar goes up, and by the end of 15 or so minigames depend on the emotion bar the game will give you different endings ( could have a secret that you could buy food at some secret shop that look just like normal shop that you can’t interact with and if you buy food and give it to your loved one the emotion will goes up 2-3 minigame worth, but if you feed her/ he too much he will say he is full and the emotion bar stay or goes down.) [ This idea is based on the third idea but instead of 2 or 3 genre used to create a game mechanics, this idea is more of using one main genre and all the other as smaller parts in the game]
  • #5 Ideas- A game where you will build your civilization of which start off as just a normal human civilization, but around the map there are resources and other civilizations of which is different and stronger. ( Ex: a builder civilization with a lot of turrets and buildings, or a sorcerer civilization which could use magic, or a beast-human civilization of which their “stats” is stronger than normal. etc. etc.) After you defeat them, you will take their abilities ( Ex: win the builder and get more buildings, win the wizard and get magic etc. etc. ) The ultimate goal is to win 2 of the strongest civilization in the game. Gods and Super Advanced AI. The gods civilization stats will be through the roof and the SAAI will copy exactly the player action. [ The main idea is like “right click to necromance” but more complicated, you got yourself some resources to start with and you devour other people along the way and grow stronger]

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